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Reiki and its benefits

Reiki is an energy therapy that promotes healing by putting the body into a deep state of relaxation. In this relaxed state, the body can allow the cells to return to their natural state of balance and well-being.

Reiki has a positive effect on all forms of illness from minor things like colds and stomach aches to systemic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Reiki can be particularly effective in helping people cope with the many challenges undergoing cancer treatment brings on a physical, mental, and emotional level.


50 Major Benefits of Reiki

1. Stronger immune system.
2. Better sleep.
3. Less stress.
4. Ideal weight loss pace
5. Peace of mind.
6. Less drama.
7. More love.
8. More smiles.
9. Stronger relationships.
10. Better intuition.
11. Clearer head.
12. Tastier food.
13. Faster healing.

14. Calmer attitude.
15. Reduced blood pressure.
16. Helps with acute injuries.
17. Connectedness to the spiritual nature / spiritual path.
18. Fewer visits to the doctor (if any).
19. Safer travels.
20. Grounding effect.
21. Pleasurable relaxation.
22. Fewer accidents.
23. Increased creativity.
24. Personal development path.
25. Faster toxin elimination.

26. Balanced chakras.
27. Helps you see the big picture / put things into perspective.
28. Provides relief during grieving / emotional distress.
29. Provides spiritual protection / psychic attack protection.
30. Easier to find parking place.
31. Happier kids.
32. Enhanced effectiveness of medication / drugs.

33. Reduced side effects of medication / drugs.
34. Healthier pets.
35. Releases emotional blocks.
36. Better energy at home.
37. Slower aging.
38. Speeds up recovery from surgery or medical procedures.
39. Cleaner environment.
40. Better crops.
41. Easier to wake up.
42. Releases suppressed feelings.
43. More abundant life.
44. Improves your memory.
45. Sensitivity to the energy around us.
46. Heals old emotional wounds.
47. Increased work productivity.
48. More stamina.
49 Activates the Law of Attraction.
50. Easier to find lost objects.
healing hands of Reiki

The Reiki Principles


Just for today, do not worry

Just for today, do not anger

Honor your parents, teachers, and elders

Earn your living honestly

Show gratitude to everything

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