Whitfield Wholistics

What is Christouch?
As a Reiki Master I had some misgivings at times about how Reiki fit into a Christian belief system. In doing my research, I came across Lauri Ann Lumby’s book and teaching manual, “Christouch: A Christ-centered approach to energy medicine through hands-on healing”. I had heard the call to be a healer since I was a child and had stumbled across Reiki in my 40’s. It gave me a way to help people that filled that desire to be of service. When I realized that most people don’t understand the correlation between Reiki and the hands-on healing done by Jesus and the disciples, and truly feared the concept of “energy medicine”, I had to find a way to reconcile my religious upbringing and my new training. I had long been aware that one of the translations of the word REIKI is “God’s light energy” but simply explaining that to people wasn’t enough. They needed more, and so did I.
In my research, I compared the training in the manual to the scriptures and found my validation. Christouch is a streamlined version of my Reiki training which has been connected through scripture to remove the aversion to Eastern Energy Medicine. Jesus himself laid hands on followers to heal them, He used distance healing for others, and taught the disciples that they (we) can do everything HE did and more! One of the benefits of training in Christouch is the knowledge that you can stand firmly grounded as a Christian while offering healing to those in need.
All Christouch sessions begin and end in prayer. All healing comes from God, not any power I lay claim to within myself. I am simply a conduit for the healing power of Christ Jesus and remain humbly His, and your, servant in all healing work I do.
“As a Reiki Master, Lay Minister (educated and formerly employed by the Catholic Church) and a Catholic Christian, I wholeheartedly disagree with the Bishop’s conclusions (3/25/209 ‘that Reiki is inappropriate for Catholic Institutions’) – and in this I am not alone. Since the publication of this document, I have received hundreds of inquiries from Christian Reiki practitioners, like myself, who are looking for affirmation and support for what they have come to understand about Reiki and how it fulfills their own call to be a vessel through which Jesus’ healing ministry may be shared in our world.”
Lauri further states: “Christouch, as a unique healing protocol, looks to Jesus as the inspiration and model for hands-on healing and provides a means through which you are able to live out your call to continue Jesus’ work in the world. Christouch provides a seamless integration of Eastern Energy Medicine with the Christian call of discipleship and empowers you to share your call through a Christian lens.” {except from Christouch, by Lauri Ann Lumby}
Jesus summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and HE sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Then they set out and went from village to village proclaiming the good news and curing diseases everywhere. LUKE 9:1-2, 6