Whitfield Wholistics

About the Owner
Rebecca A. Whitfield
Reiki Master Practitioner
Christouch Practitioner
Minister, Progressive Universal Life Church
Wholistic Health and Wellness Coach
Wholistic Weight Loss Coach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Counselor
Psycho-Social Skills Trainer
Prison Fellowship Mentor
Reiki in Hospice/Healthcare Trainer
Crafts-person for the Spirit (tools for the soul)
My story begins when I was in junior high and I began reading books about the spiritual world. I had always been curious about what lies beyond our scope of reality. I delved into the spiritual beliefs of other cultures, being fascinated with ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Rome, Greece and the Celtic Druids. For a time I was infatuated with Hindu gods and goddesses as much as those of the Greeks and Romans. Norse mythology captured another part of my attention. In learning about these cultures I developed a stronger curiosity about what could be learned from Christianity and Judaism. I studied quite a bit in those days and at one point became a Seventh Day Adventist because of my beliefs. It seemed to incorporate my acceptance of Jesus as Savior and my staunch belief in a Sabbath.
Over the next few years, I realized that dogma had replaced true spirituality in my personal observance of faith and I left the SDA Church. I maintained my faith throughout and continued searching for that "missing piece". My reading and studying was more sporadic yet always revolved around spiritual self development. Eventually I stumbled upon a Reiki Master in the most unlikely place, a watermelon festival! She introduced me to the teachings of Dr. Mikao Usui called REIKI, or "God's Light Energy". I was delighted to find a way to use the teachings of Christ in a manner that would help not only me but help others, much in the same way the disciples healed people. I fully understood that it is the energy of Christ that heals, not me, and was determined to help others. Unfortunately there is great fear of the unknown when strange methods and words are used to effect a healing on physical, mental, and spiritual levels. I discovered that people were afraid of what I was doing and shied away from me thinking it was some sort of witchcraft or spell-work.
Although I never really was able to begin a true "practice" in the past, I didn't give up hope that someday I would have the spiritual healing retreat I have always dreamed of. I learned more techniques. I studied more modalities. I prayed. I planned. I shared when and where I could about my practice. I worked on healing myself from physical, mental and spiritual abuse. I gathered my tools and made preparations for the day when all of my hard work would pay off. I continue to add to my repertoire of healing modalities, always seeking new ways to help others, as well as myself. My current studies include holistic wellness coaching, holistic weight loss coaching, NLP and hypnotherapy.