Whitfield Wholistics
A whole-istic way to improving your health and your life.
adjective: holistic
characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.
characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the physical symptoms of a disease.
wholistic in British English
a variant spelling of holistic
Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
Whitfield Wholistics was created to provide services to those who are seeking to enrich their life with a deeper understanding of themselves and their spiritual development. Because we are individuals and what works for one may not work for another, we will offer a wide variety of modalities so that more people may benefit.
Holistic medicine is becoming a very common addition to traditional Western medicine. The holistic forms of treating illness are not new methods, but have historical use of thousands of years and are slowly being integrated by famous institutions such as MD Anderson Cancer Hospital, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, and even the US military for treatment of PTSD.
Whitfield Wholistics provides non-traditional solutions to aide in healing the whole person: body, mind and soul. Modalities used include Reiki, Christouch, aromatherapy, essential oils and workshops for self-improvement. Founded in 1995, the primary focus of Whitfield Wholistics has been to counsel and assist in personal growth and recovery. In addition to self-awareness and healing, Reverend Whitfield is available to officiate ceremonies of different types such as weddings, funerals, and blessings for the home or office. Personal spiritual tools may be crafted during one of our workshops, or you may purchase a crocheted shawl that has been infused with Reiki energy. Essential oils are used in treatment sessions and may be purchased for personal use. Informational classes and workshops are held quarterly in order to educate participants in the proper use of the products they buy or use. A small line of body care products is being created for the near future.
All classes will be offered both online and on-site. Pricing will vary according to length of course and location. Pricing will be determined by the instructor/trainer. We will also have a gift shop online which will carry items related to our healing work.
Disclaimer** In no way does Whitfield Wholistics diagnose disease, either physical or mental, and does not prescribe any product as a substitute for traditional medical treatment. All information collected during the course of a session is treated with confidentiality in the same way as it would be in any medical or legal practice (HIPAA). We make NO claim to "heal" or "cure" any disease as a result of any treatment or product received from Whitfield Wholistics. This is not a medical practice and does not represent itself as such. Please discuss all treatments suggested with your primary physician before continuing with said treatments. No product or service obtained from Whitfield Wholistics should be considered as a replacement for traditional medical practice.
Canyon Lake, Texas 78133

Wholistic Weight Loss Coaching
Workshops and Classes
Yoga Clothing
Reiki-infused jewelry/gifts