Whitfield Wholistics
Mindfulness and Acceptance of Depression:
This course will guide us through the causes and effects of depression and ways to become self-aware, and ways to handle depression in today’s world. 12-16 wks/once a week
Love Yourself, Heal Your Life:
Discover the metaphysical causes for dis-ease and the way to release yourself from the cause so you can heal from the soul level. 12-weeks/1 class per week
Relaxation and Stress Reduction Techniques:
Learn techniques for relief of stress and ways to find relaxation in our daily lives. 12-weeks/ once a week
Body Image Workshop:
Lose that insecure self-image and realize a better you by re-making yourself in and out. 12-16 weeks/once a week
Chakra Energy Healing:
Expand your knowledge of the energy centers in our bodies known as Chakras, how they work and how to open them to receive healing energy. 7-weeks/1 class per week
Christouch: a shorter version of traditional Reiki, 4 hour class
Domestic Violence: Survivor’s Course including a 4-hour self-reliance class (self-defense) and a resource kit.
Reiki: Usui System of Natural Healing and Inner Sun Reiki-this is a one-day course to learn Reiki Level One
Healing the Inner Child Workshop – 12 week course to heal the trauma of childhood
Healing mandalas – One day Class designing and coloring/painting personal mandalas
Labyrinth work: self-guided meditation time using a finger labyrinth
Calming Touch for Hospice and Healthcare: power point presentation, either in person or via purchase to instruct caregivers in a unique way to assist healthcare clients
Please visit our calendar of events to register for classes and workshops. We are continually adding more workshops, so be sure to sign up for our emails!
Supplies needed:
Notebook, pen or pencil, personal journal (to record your own thoughts and experiences), binder or folder for handouts and worksheets, highlight marker (any color)
Wear comfortable clothing and bring water/juice.
If you have any health conditions requiring either prescriptions or medical treatment, please consult your doctor before discontinuing either as a result of knowledge gained from these classes. These classes are not intended to replace your medical treatments, but to supplement them and give you a better outlook from a spiritual level.